This is a DIY only, one time license. Not necessary for our official pre modded guns, and only for personal DIY use (no commercial use allowed).
It gives you complete access to all written and video guides, the full VIP discord server channels, as well as all the firmware and GUI updates.
The license validation and creation process might take up to 24 hours.
Please check your email spam folder, and contact me back if you don't see anything coming after 24 hours.
Please make sure your user account contains at least your FULL NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS, and if you want discord access, join my server beforehand (=> Here ⇐) and send me your discord profile name or ID by email, or your email address by pm on discord.
Payment with fake/unverified paypal account or missing information will be automatically rejected. And the decision is final.
Disclaimer: your personal DIY license, as the name implies, is strictly personal and for DIY use. Any unauthorised use of the license, GUN4IR® system or any part or it (commercial, promotional, copying, sharing...) is strictly prohibited. By requesting a license you are agreeing with all the terms of the license agreement. Please note that this is a digital product, so it cannot be refunded.
This system, including hardware and software, is Copyrighted © ️ and trademarked ® ️ by Jean-Baptiste Bongrand.